Please Note: Access To All Sessions Is Open Till February 2, 2022 (11:59 pm IST)
Day 1: January 28, 2022 (Friday)
SALSI 2022 Inaugural Ceremony
International Plenary Sessions
Session 1:
Dr Paul D. Slowey, USA
(11:00 - 11:40 am IST)
Topic: The Growing Impact Of Salivary Biomarkers On The Field Of In-vitro Diagnostics
Session 2:
Dr Jill L. Maron, USA
(11:45 am - 12:30 pm IST)
Topic: Developing And Integrating Novel Salivary Diagnostic Platforms Into Newborn Care
International Keynote Sessions
Session 3:
Dr Charles F. Streckfus, USA
(12:35 pm - 1:00 pm IST)
Topic: Salivary Proline Rich Peptide Decreases Cell Growth In a HCC38 Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cell Line
Session 4:
Dr Manuel J. Lopez, Spain
(1:30 pm - 2:00 pm IST)
Topic: Saliva as useful monitoring and diagnostic tool in mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic
Session 5:
Dr Debora Heller, Brazil
(2:05 pm - 2:35 pm IST)
Topic: COVID-19, Saliva And Dentistry : The Discoveries And Lessons That Will Stay With Us Forever
Session 6:
Dr Wayne Leifert, Australia
(2:40 pm - 3:05 pm IST)
Topic: Saliva Omics To Identify A Molecular Diagnostic Signature For Alzheimer's Disease
International Guest Speaker
Session 7:
Dr Himanshu Bhatia, USA
(3:10 pm - 3:40 pm IST)
Topic: Novel technology for drug and disease detection using saliva
National Keynote Speaker
Session 8:
Dr Vandana Shah, Gujarat
(3:45 pm - 4:15 pm IST)
Topic: Salivary Biomarkers- Role In Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders
National Guest Speaker
Session 9:
Dr Swapna Patankar, Pune
(4:20 pm - 4:40 pm IST)
Topic: Salivary Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease

LIVE Coffee Session
SALSI 2022 Games
(5:00 pm - 6:00 pm IST)
Personality Test To Know Your Best Career Choices
Scientific Paper & Poster Competition (LIVE)
Time: 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm IST
Day 2: January 29, 2022 (Saturday)
International Plenary Session
Session 1:
Dr David T. W. Wong, USA
(10:30 am - 11:10 am IST)
Topic: Saliva Liquid Biopsy
International Keynote Session
Session 2:
Dr W. M Tilakaratne, Malaysia
(11:15 - 11:45 am IST)
Topic:Update on salivary biomarkers in Oral Cancer
Co-author: Nadisha Piyarathne, Sri Lanka
International Guest Session
Session 3:
Dr Lavinia Alberi Auber, Switzerland
(11:50 am - 12:10 pm IST)
Topic: Salivary proteomics identifies TTR as a biomarker of early dementia conversion
International Guest Session
Session 4:
Dr Hanh Nguyen Kim, Switzerland
(12:15 pm - 12:45 pm IST)
Topic: Direct COVID Salivary diagnostics: a comparative technical study
Session 5:
Dr Silvia Sabry Tawfik Tadros, Egypt
(12:50 pm - 1:10 pm IST)
Topic: A spot light on: The salivary parameters and caries prevalence
National Guest Speaker
Session 6:
Dr Rujuta Patil, Bangalore
(2:00 pm - 2:20 pm IST)
Topic: VEGF In Saliva vs GCF As A Potential Marker Of Periodontal Disease In Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Session 8:
Dr Thamiz Chelvan, Chennai
(2:55 pm - 3:10 pm IST)
Topic: A Glimpse At Salivary Candida Colonization And Inhaled Steroids
Session 9:
Dr Priyanka Kapoor, New Delhi
(3:40 pm - 4:00 pm IST)
Topic: Salivary microRNAs and protein markers in oral diseases and tooth movement: Evidence based perspective and future prospects
Session 11:
Dr Kirpa Johar, Bangalore
(4:25 pm - 4:45 pm IST)
Topic: Salivary microRNAs and protein markers in oral diseases and tooth movement: Evidence based perspective and future prospects
Session 7:
Dr Gaganjot Kaur, Ludhiana
(2:25 pm - 2:50 pm IST)
Topic: Covid 19 Pandemic: The salivary significance with an insight to the oral mucosal outcome and precise nutritional status
Session 9:
Dr Priya Nimish Deo, Pune
(3:15 pm - 3:35 pm IST)
Topic: Conducting An Oral Microbiome Research - A Blueprint
Session 10:
Dr Aman Chowdry, New Delhi
(4:10 pm - 4:20 pm IST)
Topic: Saliva and COVID19: Emerging And Future Challenges

LIVE Coffee Session
Dr RKS Mangesh Dash- Expert Panelist
(4:30 pm - 5:15 pm IST)
Mental Health Challenges And Solutions During The COVID Pandemic
Scientific Paper & Poster Competition (LIVE)
Time: 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm IST
Day 3: January 30, 2022 (Sunday)
International Guest Speaker
Session 1:
Dr Sonia Sonia, Australia
(8:00 am - 8:30 am IST)
Topic: Saliva as a tool for monitoring health
National Keynote Speaker
Session 2:
Dr Shriram Raghavan, Coimbatore
(9:00 am - 9:40 am IST)
Topic: Financing Your Dream Dental Enterprise During Pandemic Times- New Age Dental Startups
SALSI 2022 Special Activity 1
Saliva And COVID19 LIVE Online Workshop
(10:00 am - 10:30 am IST)
SALSI 2022 Special Activity 2
Banana Box- Pull Out The DNA: LIVE Q & A And Live Polls
(12:30 pm - 1:00 pm IST)

KRRIA - Dr Kamalesh Roy Research Idea Award
LIVE Competition
(2:30 pm - 3:30 pm IST)
(Do in Zoom)