Date: January 27-28, 2023


Click on the relevant section or name links inside the SALSI 2023 Scientific Schedule to know more about the Speaker, the topic and the time of the lecture session

SALSI 2023 Scientific Schedule

SALSI Inaugural Session (LIVE)


International Plenary Speaker

Title: Salivary Diagnostics- The State of Play

January 27 (Friday) @ 9:30 am IST 

Dr. Paul Desmond Slowey

CEO, Oasis Diagnostics, USA

Title: The Neonatal Salivary Microbiome as a Predictor of Health and Diseases

January 27 (Friday) @ 9:00 pm IST LIVE

Dr. Jill L Maron

Cheif of Pediatrics, Women & Infants Hospital, Brown University, USA

National Plenary Speaker

Title: Paradigm Of Oral Healthcare Research: Explore The Unexplored

January 27 (Friday) @ 6:30 pm IST LIVE

Dr Gargi Roy Goswami

Director, KROYNAS Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, India
Chairman SALSI

International Keynote Speakers

Title: Quantitation of the cellular content of saliva and buccal swab samples and its application to epigenomics

January 27, 2023, @ 11:00 am IST


Dr Jeffrey Craig

Deakin University, Australia

Title: Rethinking Saliva and Its Impact on Human Resilience and Athletic Performance Recovery

January 27, 2023, @ 12:00 pm IST

Patti Tveit Milligan, PhD RD CNS

High Performance Travel & Resilience Nutritionist, Fountain Hills, Arizona, United States

Title: Saliva Omics As A Molecular Diagnostic For Alzheimer’s Disease

January 27, 2023, @ 1:00 pm IST

Dr Wayne Leifert

University of Adelaide, Australia

Title: SalivaDirect:From Open-source PCR Test To National Laboratory Network

January 27, 2023, @ 2:00 pm IST

Anne Wyllie, PhD

Research Scientist at Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases Yale School of Public Health, USA

Title: Salivary Diagnostics: Enhancing Disease Detection and Making Your Dental Practice Better

January 27, 2023, @ 3:30 pm IST

Dr Debora Heller

Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Title: Saliva- The Key To Creating A Sustainable Diagnostic World

January 27, 2023, @ 5pm IST

Rita M May

Fishburn May Consulting Inc., North Carolina USA


Title: Complications Of Sjogren’s Disease and Clinical Trials Done to Diagnose and Treat It

January 28, 2023, @ 9:00 am IST

Dr Athena Papas

Dean of Research, Distinguished Professor of Diagnostic Sciences, Johansen Professor of Dental Research, Dept. of Oral Medicine, Tufts University, USA

Title: Saliva Technology – Democratising Healthcare Delivery

January 28, 2023 @ 11:00 am IST

Prof. Chamindie Punyadeera

Professor at Griffith University, PhD, GCLead, GAICD, Head, Saliva and Liquid Biopsy Translational Laboratory, Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery (GRIDD) and Menzies Health Institute, Gold Coast, Griffith University, Australia.

Title: Use Of Salivary Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-axis Biomarkers In Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention Studies: Evidence From Mice To Men

January 28, 2023 @ 8:30 pm IST

Dr Chinedu Udeh Momoh

Imperial College London, England

Title: Coming Soon

Prof. Manuel Jiménez López

Universidad Internacional de La Roja, Spain

National Keynote Speaker

Title: Saliva: A Mirror to Health, Wellness and Disease

January 28, 2022, @12:00 pm IST

Dr Vandana Shah

K M Shah Dental College, India

Title: Optimal Use of Social Media for Medical Professionals

January 28, 2023, @ 10:00 am IST

Dr Apurva Garg

MS, FACS, Fellow Head & Neck Surgery (TMH Mumbai) IFHNOS Global Fellow Head Neck Surgery & Oncology Consultant-Head & Neck Oncosurgery Vishesh Jupiter Hospital Indore, Madhya Pradesh India

National Guest Speakers

Title: Evidence-based Oral Cancer Research: Importance & Implications

January 28, 2023, @ 7:00 pm IST

Dr Rujuta Patil

Scientific Head, KROYNAS, India

Title: The Sherlock’s Eyes

January 28, 2023 @ 8:00 pm IST

Dr Pooja Chakraborty

Forensic Odontologist, KROYNAS, India

Title: Barriers to Use Saliva Diagnostic Tests in Clinical Practice- A Pilot Study

January 28, 2022, @ 3:00 pm IST

Dr Anisha Yaji

Senior Scientific Manager, KROYNAS, India

Title: Saliva- An Evolving Diagnostic Tool for Rheumatoid Arthritis

January 28, 2023, @ 1:00 pm IST

Dr.Geetpriya Kaur

Director, Paradise Diagnostics, Delhi, India & Reader Department of Oral Pathology and Oral Microbiology Institute of Dental Studies and Technologies (IDST), Modinagar, India

Click on the relevant section or name links inside the SALSI 2023 Scientific Schedule to know more about the Speaker, the topic and the time of the lecture session

SALSI 2023 Scientific Schedule

SALSI Inaugural Session (LIVE)

International Plenary Speaker

Dr. Paul Desmond Slowey

CEO, Oasis Diagnostics, USA

Title: Salivary Diagnostics- The State of Play

January 27 (Friday) @ 9:30 am IST 

Dr. Jill L Maron

Cheif of Pediatrics, Women & Infants Hospital, Brown University, USA

Title: The Neonatal Salivary Microbiome as a Predictor of Health and Diseases

January 27 (Friday) @ 9:00 pm IST LIVE

National Plenary Speaker

Dr Gargi Roy Goswami

Director, KROYNAS Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, India
Chairman SALSI

Title: Paradigm Of Oral Healthcare Research: Explore The Unexplored

January 27 (Friday) @ 6:30 pm IST LIVE

International Keynote Speakers

Dr Jeffrey Craig

Deakin University, Australia

Title: Quantitation of the cellular content of saliva and buccal swab samples and its application to epigenomics

January 27, 2023, @ 11:00 am IST


Patti Tveit Milligan, PhD RD CNS

High Performance Travel & Resilience Nutritionist, Fountain Hills, Arizona, United States

Title: Rethinking Saliva and Its Impact on Human Resilience and Athletic Performance Recovery

January 27, 2023, @ 12:00 pm IST

Dr Wayne Leifert

University of Adelaide, Australia

Title: Saliva Omics As A Molecular Diagnostic For Alzheimer’s Disease

January 27, 2023, @ 1:00 pm IST

Anne Wyllie, PhD

Research Scientist at Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases Yale School of Public Health, USA

Title: SalivaDirect:From Open-source PCR Test To National Laboratory Network

January 27, 2023, @ 2:00 pm IST

Dr Debora Heller

Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Title: Salivary Diagnostics: Enhancing Disease Detection and Making Your Dental Practice Better

January 27, 2023, @ 3:30 pm IST

Rita M May

Fishburn May Consulting Inc., North Carolina USA

Title: Saliva- The Key To Creating A Sustainable Diagnostic World

January 27, 2023, @ 5pm IST


Dr Athena Papas

Dean of Research, Distinguished Professor of Diagnostic Sciences, Johansen Professor of Dental Research, Dept. of Oral Medicine, Tufts University, USA

Title: Complications Of Sjogren’s Disease and Clinical Trials Done to Diagnose and Treat It

January 28, 2023, @ 9:00 am IST

Prof. Chamindie Punyadeera

Professor at Griffith University, PhD, GCLead, GAICD, Head, Saliva and Liquid Biopsy Translational Laboratory, Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery (GRIDD) and Menzies Health Institute, Gold Coast, Griffith University, Australia.

Title: Saliva Technology – Democratising Healthcare Delivery

January 28, 2023 @ 11:00 am IST

Dr Chinedu Udeh Momoh

Imperial College London, England

Title: Use Of Salivary Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-axis Biomarkers In Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention Studies: Evidence From Mice To Men

January 28, 2023 @ 8:30 pm IST

Prof. Manuel Jiménez López

Universidad Internacional de La Roja, Spain

Title: Coming Soon

National Keynote Speaker

Dr Vandana Shah

K M Shah Dental College, India

Title: Saliva: A Mirror to Health, Wellness and Disease

January 28, 2022, @12:00 pm IST

Dr Apurva Garg

MS, FACS, Fellow Head & Neck Surgery (TMH Mumbai) IFHNOS Global Fellow Head Neck Surgery & Oncology Consultant-Head & Neck Oncosurgery Vishesh Jupiter Hospital Indore, Madhya Pradesh India

Title: Optimal Use of Social Media for Medical Professionals

January 28, 2023, @ 10:00 am IST

National Guest Speakers

Dr Rujuta Patil

Scientific Head, KROYNAS, India

Title: Evidence-based Oral Cancer Research: Importance & Implications

January 28, 2023, @ 7:00 pm IST

Dr Pooja Chakraborty

Forensic Odontologist, KROYNAS, India

Title: The Sherlock’s Eyes

January 28, 2023 @ 8:00 pm IST

Dr Anisha Yaji

Senior Scientific Manager, KROYNAS, India

Title: Barriers to Use Saliva Diagnostic Tests in Clinical Practice- A Pilot Study

January 28, 2022, @ 3:00 pm IST

Dr.Geetpriya Kaur

Director, Paradise Diagnostics, Delhi, India & Reader Department of Oral Pathology and Oral Microbiology Institute of Dental Studies and Technologies (IDST), Modinagar, India

Title: Saliva- An Evolving Diagnostic Tool for Rheumatoid Arthritis

January 28, 2023, @ 1:00 pm IST